The Fiction Medic - what's in your creative arsenal?

Meet the Medic:

Ever since I was young, the thing I continue to excel at, what I enjoy doing most of all, is molding fictional universes.

I thrive as a writing coach and creative resource. It started with friends, on a small scale, slowly evolving into the core trait that I cherish above all.

I proactively sought out fellow creative minds, to kindle the flame of passion and to help flesh out concepts. The older I became and the more my abilities improved, recipients offered to compensate me for my ongoing input. This repeated, unprompted proposition made me curious, does anyone offer such feedback as a service?

The Fiction Medic - don't chalk up setbacks to fate, overcome them
The Fiction Medic - a colorful creative writing palette for all projects

In my search, I encountered some wonderful editorial services, including proofreaders and critics of all kinds. However, all of them required one thing: a completed story in written form for them to tear into and dissect. I didn't find a match for projects still in progress. This project exists to fill that void.

Many that I meet in my creative collaborations haven’t made it that far, or, are close to the finish line and feel stuck. Likewise, while I have a lot of feedback for others, I struggle to obtain the same level of constructive information for myself. I decided, if I would pay for such a service and if this is what I truly love to do, why not be the first to offer just that? Creators unite!

The Fiction Medic - unity through diversity

Thus, the inception of The Fiction Medic occurred and gradually became what you see here today.

The Fiction Medic - creative writing of all kinds is an adventure

Now that you know the origin of this company, head over to the services page to read more.
